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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Stockholder review in the Times

Nice writeup last Friday in the New York Times art section for renowned local sculptor Jessica Stockholder's show at Mitchell-Innes & Nash in Chelsea. It is hidden behind a curtain requiring registration, but here is a taste:
Jessica Stockholder has long been a proponent of the found object. Rather than Dumpster-diving for scruffy items full of “character” in the Rauschenberg tradition, she favors chintzy ready-mades: the staples of discount stores and, more pointedly, of a consumer culture geared toward planned obsolescence.

In recent years her assemblages, which conflate abstract painting, sculpture and collage, have become grand installations exploring the intersection between sculpture and design (and at times have seemed like art versions of an Ikea showroom). So the smaller, more compact works in this show function almost like academic studies, although ones created with objects like an orange laundry basket, plastic lamps and tarps, electrical cords, light bulbs, dishwashing scrubbies, a shower curtain or yarn. They showcase her rigorous but playful formalism and contain several art historical quotations.

After noting Stockholder's salutes to such forebears as Duchamp, Tatlin and Picasso, reviewer Martha Schwendener concludes by writing, "Perhaps the invocation of history is necessary at this point in her career. Her renegade-formalist approach has already had an impact on a younger generation of sculptors, including Gedi Sibony, Rachel Harrison and Sarah Sze. Now it’s time to pay homage to her own predecessors."


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