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Friday, February 21, 2014

"Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here" exhibit opens Sat., Mar. 1, at Institute Library

The Institute Library
847 Chapel St., New Haven, (203) 562-5045
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here
Mar. 1—May 3, 2014.
Reception: Sat., Mar. 1, Noon—2 p.m.

Press release from Stephen Vincent Kobasa

On March 5th 2007, a car bomb was exploded on al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic center of Baghdad bookselling. More than 30 people were killed and over 100 were wounded. In response to this attack upon a cultural treasure of the Iraqi people, the poet and bookseller Beau Beausoleil founded the al-Mutanabbi Street Project which to date has assembled 130 broadsides by letterpress artists, 260 artist books, and a literary anthology Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here with contributions by over 125 writers from around the world.

Beau Beausoleil and Andrea Hassiba: "Until It Is In Flame"

Out of this larger collection, Stephen Vincent Kobasa has curated two exhibitions of material which will go on display consecutively for one month periods between March 1 and May 3.

There will be readings from the anthology during the opening reception on Saturday., Mar. 1, and a panel discussion on books in a time of terror on Sat., Apr. 5, at noon.

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