Saturday evening opening at CaRo Gallery in Meriden
CaRo Art Studio and Gallery
290 Pratt St., Meriden, (203) 886-6809
Landon R. Wilson: American—The Fabric of of Lives
May 12—June 3, 2011.
Opening reception, Sat., May 12, 6—10 p.m.
Press release
Ledyard, CT artist Landon R. Wilson presents American: The Fabric of Our Lives. As the winner of CaRo Art Gallery's America Pros and Cons Juried Show in 2011, Wilson has expanded his multimedia art into a politically fueled solo exhibit.
See and hear more about Landon's art, which will surely become thought provoking to the

Join us May 12, 2012 from 6—10 p.m. to the opening of America: The Fabric of Our Lives.
Artist statement:
My choice of subject matter comes at a time in America’s history where many feel that we are at a critical masse. America is no longer the invincible super hero ready to do battle with all of the world’s evils. Our military is stretched thin. Millions are unemployed, infrastructure and education are on the backburner and money continues to be the deciding factor in America’s politics. The sides are drawn, whose side are you on? We are in a tug of war and the center is being ripped apart. Soon it will be shredded completely and America will be left in pieces.
I have chosen to paint subjects who have all risen to power, some more powerful than others, and used the American flag, shredded and torn, as a backdrop. Some are heroes, some are villains; all have shaped our lives in one way or another.
Labels: CaRo Art Studio and Gallery, collage, Landon R. Wilson, multimedia, painting
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