Artist reception Saturday at CaRo Gallery in Meriden
CaRo Art Studio and Gallery
290 Pratt St., Meriden, (203) 886-6809
Joe Bun Keo: Modest Gesture and the Grand Scale
Mar. 12—20, 2011.
Opening reception, Sat., Mar. 12, 6—10 p.m. Admission $5 suggested donation at the door.
Press release
CaRo Art Studio and Gallery will host Modest Gesture and the Grand Scale, a show of selected works by Joe Bun Keo, for a short run beginning this Saturday.
Joe Bun Keo's artist statement:
It's like coming midway into a conversation; finding yourself in that awkward silence with a soundtrack of crickets chirping, and blank faces asking "um...okay...whatThe show will on display Mar. 12—20. An artist's reception will be held at the gallery this Saturday, Mar. 12, from 6—10 p.m. Admission will be $5 at the"
You're stuck trying to find a resolution, whether it's by attempting to catch up to speed with everyone else or interjecting with a hasty subject change or an offbeat icebreaker. Things may go awry, fail miserably or they can just move on without consequence.
I flip my misunderstandings and shortcomings in language to turn them into experiments with wordplay. There will be clichés, punch lines, pop culture references and contemporary youth vernacular involved.
I also enjoy the reexamination of what people take for granted. The most mundane of utilitarian objects or overlooked situations can be taken out of the comfort of their given context and shown in a new light.
The end result could be clean, quick, clever, dry, sarcastic, but nevertheless accessible and relevant. The dialogue between the work and audience may seem short, but remnants resonate.
I believe in modest gestures, minor miracles, small victories and second chances... as should you.
Labels: CaRo Gallery, Joe Bun Keo
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