Dedicated to covering the visual arts community in Connecticut.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some CWOS images from AIRS Westville

Some shots from the Westville AIRS. Amber Maida's "Fragmented Urbanism II," a mixed media painting on canvas:Phil Lique showed several interesting mixed media found object sculptures. "Shark: American Dream" was constructed from lumber, aluminum, fiberglass resin, canvas, plastic fence, shingles and spackle:This is "Wail," a Michael Shapcott painting executed with acrylic, graphite and oil paint:

Also at the ArLOW building, I enjoyed checking out painter Steve DiGiovanni's newest work. DiGiovanni is moving away from the powerful oils he has been known for—figurative works that hinted at David Lynch-esque narratives—and into more kinetic, acrylic paintings. The newer works rely more on gesture, nods to collage, and layering of imagery. They retain his exceptional feel for the grace of the human form while representing an increasingly fractured consciousness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there more cwos postings too come? Because i think noone cared about the poor people that did it this year.There was too much bickering amongst the unCONNcentric.

8:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why dont we mention how many Paier Alumni were in the trenches this year! HaZaa!

8:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Thank you for posting "Fragmented Urbanism" amongst the other great works of art featured in this post. It's nice to see your thoughts and comments here about CWOS/ AIRS Westville!
Best wishes!!!!

5:30 PM


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